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Getting Started

This page will help you set up a new TypeScript project that will be converted to Lua with TypeScriptToLua.

Note that we assume that you are already familiar with how TypeScript works. If you have never coded a project in TypeScript before, or you need a refresher, first read the official TypeScript tutorial.


TypeScriptToLua is built using Node.js and distributed via npm. To install it, you need to create a package.json file in the root of your project, containing at least {}. Then, you can add the latest version of TypeScriptToLua to your project:

npm install --save-dev typescript-to-lua typescript

(If you don't know the difference between the package managers, choose npm.)


Installing tstl locally is recommended to keep your build reproducible and prevent version conflicts between projects. However, it is also possible to install it globally with npm install --global typescript-to-lua.

Project setup

TypeScriptToLua is configured using a tsconfig.json file. (This is the same file used to configure vanilla TypeScript.) It should be located in your project's root.

Basic Configuration

"$schema": "",
"compilerOptions": {
"target": "ESNext",
"lib": ["ESNext"],
"moduleResolution": "Node",
"types": [],
"strict": true
"tstl": {
"luaTarget": "JIT"

Make sure to set the value of luaTarget to the Lua version of your environment. Valid values are JIT, 5.4, 5.3, 5.2, 5.1, 5.0, and universal.


You can find out the version of your Lua environment by running: print(_VERSION)

Check out configuration page for more information.

Building your project

Our command line interface is called tstl and it works almost exactly the same as TypeScript's tsc.

Since tstl is installed locally to your project, you cannot run it as a bare command in your terminal. Instead, use:

npx tstl

The binary is installed to node_modules/.bin/tstl, so you can also run it directly from that path if needed. (But this is not recommended.)

npm scripts

You can also run tstl as an npm script. Using npm scripts for this sort of thing is idiomatic in JavaScript/TypeScript projects. This is accomplished by adding a scripts field to the package.json file:

"private": true,
"scripts": {
"build": "tstl",
"dev": "tstl --watch"
"devDependencies": {
"typescript-to-lua": "..."

Then, you can run the script like this:

# Build
npm run build

# Build and watch for changes
npm run dev

Type Declarations

The best way to use TypeScript is to provide it with information about the format/types of the external functions and variables that you will be using (specific to your environment). This allows the compiler to check your code for mistakes when compiling, instead of having to run the code to find issues. To give TypeScript this information, you will need to provide it with type declarations. You can write these declarations yourself or, if available, install an existing type declarations package for your environment from npm.

For instructions on how to install type declaration packages, see the readme file for the individual package in question. In short, you need to install the package from npm, and then add the types field to the compilerOptions in the tsconfig.json file.

Type Declaration Packages - Official

We provide an official type declaration package for the Lua standard library.

These declarations do not come with tstl by default because most of the time, you should not be using the Lua standard library directly. In other words, you can just write idiomatic TypeScript and tstl will convert things properly. (For example, it converts Math.round to math.round.) However, if you want to do some low-level Lua stuff and work with the Lua standard library, then you will need to install these type declarations so that the TypeScript compiler can understand what you are doing.

Type Declaration Packages - Unofficial

Type declarations exist for some common Lua environments:

Additionally, type declarations exist for some games:

Type declarations for databases:

(If you have created type declarations for a new game, you can click on the "Edit this page" link below to add it to the list.)