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High-level API

The high level API allows you to simply invoke several common transpiler operations using well-known language primitives, handling usage of TypeScript API for you.


Transpile a string containing TypeScript source code to Lua.


  • Source: string - The TypeScript source code to transpile.
  • [Optional] Options: tstl.CompilerOptions - CompilerOptions to use.


import * as tstl from "typescript-to-lua";

const result = tstl.transpileString(`const foo = "bar";`, { luaTarget: tstl.LuaTarget.Lua53 });


Transpile a collection of TypeScript files to Lua.


  • FileNames: string[] - An array of file paths to the TypeScript files to be transpiled.
  • [Optional] Options: tstl.CompilerOptions - CompilerOptions to use.


import * as tstl from "typescript-to-lua";

const result = tstl.transpileFiles(["file1.ts", "file2.ts"], { luaTarget: tstl.LuaTarget.Lua53 });


Transpile a TypeScript project to Lua.


  • tsConfigPath: string - The file path to a TypeScript project's tsconfig.json file.
  • [Optional] extendedOptions: tstl.CompilerOptions - The tsConfig already contains options, this extends those options.


import * as tstl from "typescript-to-lua";

const result = tstl.transpileProject("tsconfig.json", { luaTarget: tstl.LuaTarget.Lua53 });


Transpile a virtual project to Lua. A virtual project is a record (like an object literal for example) where keys are file names, and values are the contents of these files. This can be used to transpile a collection of files without having these files physically on disk.


  • Files: Record<string, string> - A record of fileName keys and fileContent values.
  • [Optional] Options: tstl.CompilerOptions - CompilerOptions to use.


import * as tstl from "typescript-to-lua";

const result = tstl.transpileVirtualProject(
"file1.ts": `const foo = "bar";`,
"file2.ts": `const bar = "baz";`,
{ luaTarget: tstl.LuaTarget.Lua53 },

Low-level API

On the contrast with high-level API, low-level API requires you to to manage TypeScript project yourself. See Using the Compiler API page for the introduction to TypeScript API.

Transpiler class

The Transpiler class creates an instance of the tstl transpiler that is used to implement the high-level API. The transpiler allows passing a raw tstl program object and providing different transpilation parameters, such as the EmitHost object to be used to read/write files.

The main usage of the Transpiler is as follows:

import * as tstl from "typescript-to-lua";

const { emitSkipped, diagnostics } = new tstl.Transpiler().emit(emitOptions);

// Provide a custom emitHost for custom reading/writing of files:
const { emitSkipped, diagnostics } = new tstl.Transpiler(customEmitHost).emit(emitOptions);

Emit options:

The Transpiler class emit accepts one argument which is an options object you can use to customize the behavior of the transpiler. The options in this object are:

  • program: ts.Program - The TypeScript program to transpile (note: unlike the high-level API, `compilerOptions`` is part of the program and cannot be supplied separately).
  • [Optional] sourceFiles: ts.SourceFile[] - A collection of SourceFiles to transpile, program.getSourceFiles() by default.
  • [Optional] customTransformers: ts.CustomTransformers - List of extra TypeScript transformers.
  • [Optional] plugins: tstl.Plugin[] - List of TypeScriptToLua plugins.
  • [Optional] writeFile: ts.WriteFileCallback - Provides a callback to use to emit the final file result, instead of trying to write them to disk.


import * as ts from "typescript";
import * as tstl from "typescript-to-lua";

// Parse existing tsconfig.json
const configFileName = path.resolve(__dirname, "tsconfig.json");
const parsedCommandLine = tstl.parseConfigFileWithSystem(configFileName);
if (parsedCommandLine.errors.length > 0) {

// Set tstl-specific configuration options
parsedCommandLine.options.luaTarget = tstl.LuaTarget.Lua54;

// Create a TS program to feed to the transpiler
const program = ts.createProgram(parsedCommandLine.fileNames, parsedCommandLine.options);

// Create in-memory source file
const extraSourceFile = ts.createSourceFile("my-source-file.ts", "// my ts code");

const emitResults: Record<string, string> = {};

// Call the Typescript-to-Lua transpiler with emit options
const { diagnostics } = new tstl.Transpiler().transpile({
program, // Provide the program to transpile, including compiler options!
sourceFiles: [extraSourceFile],
writeFile(fileName, data) {
emitResults[fileName] = data; // Instead of writing to file, emit files to this object in memory
plugins: [
// We can even provide plugins directly
beforeTransform(program, CompilerOptions, emitHost) {
console.log("before transforming plugin hook!");
afterPrint(program, options, emitHost, result) {
console.log("after printing plugin hook!");

// Use TS to report all diagnostics to console
const reportDiagnostic = tstl.createDiagnosticReporter(true);
const diagnostics = ts.sortAndDeduplicateDiagnostics([...ts.getPreEmitDiagnostics(program), ...transpileDiagnostics]);